Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Our Cavity Healing Journey

I recently shared on Facebook how I used the Weston A. Price diet to heal my 10-year-old daughter's teeth. In a nutshell: my daughter had many cavities on her baby teeth. A year ago, her dentist wanted to do 4 fillings on adult molars. After this visit, we followed the Weston A. Price diet quite strictly for a year. After 6 months, her dentist only wanted to fill 2 teeth, and now, after a year, she told us that all her adult teeth look strong and healthy and no fillings are required.

During that same period of time, I went from having 11 teeth that my dentist was concerned about, to just 1. I did not follow the diet quite as strictly as my daughter.

Many people have asked me about the specifics of the diet we followed, so I thought it would be helpful to write up the details and share them here.

My Recipes

I do have an Instagram page where I post many easy recipes that I make that follow the Weston A. Price diet, you can find my page and many of my favorite recipes here: https://www.instagram.com/westonapricerecipes/

What To Read

I highly recommend that anyone committed to cavity healing reads the entirety of Dr. Weston A. Price's book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration (you can buy it on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/Nutrition-Physical-Degeneration-Weston-Price/dp/0916764206). The majority of cavity healing advice you will find is based on the contents of this incredible book. It is long but very easy to read. No amount of research compares to reading this book cover to cover. 

I also recommend Ramiel Nagel's book Cure Tooth Decay (https://www.amazon.com/Cure-Tooth-Decay-Cavities-Nutrition/dp/1434810607) for a summary of Dr. Price's research, as well as subsequent research in this area. 

What Foods We Avoided

As you will learn from the experiments conducted by Dr. Price, described in his book, the food you DO eat are more important than the foods you do NOT eat. Our physical degeneration is fundamentally caused by a severe deficiency in fat-soluble vitamins. However, to heal active cavities, it is best to eliminate foods that interfere. During our year of cavity healing, we completely eliminated:

- Grains
- Refined sugars (including honey and maple syrup)
- Legumes
- Nuts (except when used very sparingly, such as sprinkled on a salad)

We ate fruit but limited our intake of high-sugar fruits. We eliminated bananas almost entirely, as they are very high in sugar. 

We did eat refined sugar on birthdays.

What Foods We Made Sure To Eat

The most important foods we added to our diet were liver and caviar. My daughter and I eat some liver or caviar every single day. It is easy to eat a spoonful of caviar before bed, if you have not had any liver or caviar before bedtime. 

I order Ikura caviar from https://www.vitalchoice.com/.

I get beef, pork, and goat liver mostly from local farms. I also buy frozen chicken liver at Whole Foods, and frozen grass-fed beef liver at my local organic grocery store. You can buy it frozen online if you do not have a local source, such as from https://grasslandbeef.com/. 

I also make a lot of bone broth, and use it to make soup frequently. 

We buy 3 gallons a week of raw cow and goat milk from local farms, and local raw cheese as well.

All meat we buy is 100% grass-fed or pastured. We buy our beef, pork, lamb, and goat directly from local farms. We buy most of our eggs from local farms as well. All store-bought groceries that we buy are organic. 

Liver Recipes

I grew up eating liver, and I really enjoy it. Here are some of my favorite recipes:

My kids are a different story. I do force my older girl to eat liver, and she has come around to some recipes. Mostly though, I have to hide it. In the summer, it is easy to do this in smoothies:

When it's cold, I hide it in burger patties (1 part liver to 4 parts beef), or in this meatball recipe:

We eat a lot of liver, so I am frequently trying new recipes, and I post them on my Instagram page when they are successful. 

Grain Substitutions

Bread - cauliflower thins

Tortillas - coconut flour tortillas (great for making quesadillas)

Pasta - spaghetti squash (this is delicious with tomato sauce and meat sauce, it's not great with pesto)

Rice - cauliflower rice (this was a completely painless substitution, we all love cauliflower rice now)

Pancakes - coconut flour pancakes (we eat them with sour cream and fruit)


Here are some delicious desserts that we can eat on our diet:

- Berries with unsweetened whipped cream
- Peaches with unsweetened whipped cream
- Mangoes with unsweetened whipped cream
- Baked apples with unsweetened whipped cream
- Poached pears (I like to poach them in diluted pineapple juice) with unsweetened whipped cream
- Homemade chunky applesauce with sour cream (here is my recipe: https://www.instagram.com/p/B3OMuZRnUq1/)
- Panna cotta sweetened with pureed banana
- Custard sweetened with pureed banana

What We Eat On A Typical Day


Usually we eat bacon or sausage, and eggs. Sometimes I make scrambles or frittatas. Sometimes we eat dinner leftovers for breakfast. If we want a very light breakfast, we just have plain yogurt and fruit.


Lunch is simple - either dinner leftovers, or soup, or some roast veggies (such as cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, potatoes) and sausages. 


For dinner we usually have a meat dish, such as a stew or roast or steak or braised meat, some veggies on the side, such as mashed potatoes or roast veggies, and a big salad. Sometimes I make an Asian-style stir-fry or curry, and eat that with cauliflower rice. One of our favorite dishes is spaghetti squash with an easy Bolognese sauce (here is my recipe: https://www.instagram.com/p/ByovWONH2TR/). 


Fruits, cheese, milk, smoothies

Cod Liver Oil

We do not take any cod liver oil. We did take fermented cod liver oil for years, but it did not help us, so I decided to cut it out and focus on whole foods.


We do not take any supplements.

Dental Hygiene

We did not make any significant changes to our dental hygiene routine during this time. We use bentonite clay toothpaste (My Magic Mud - https://www.amazon.com/My-Magic-Mud-Toothpaste-Detoxifying/dp/B01MT5FV1X/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=my+magic+mud&qid=1583260130&sr=8-2), and we floss. Occasionally we oil pull. Occasionally we use the Healthy Mouth Blend tooth oil from Orawellness (https://store.orawellness.com/collections/most-popular/products/healthy-mouth-blend). 

Feel free to contact me with any questions!